TikTok.com/@kronisofficial for frequent live streams



Welcome to KRONIS on kronis.us—the home for U.S. fans of Aaron Kronis. Experience the best of alt-rock/EDM with KRONIS’ powerful blend of rock and electronic beats. For updates on new music, events, and more, make sure to visit aaronkronis.music. Dive into the KRONIS experience and be part of a journey that’s reshaping the music scene in America and beyond.

A Musician on Stamina Records, S
kateboard Enthusiast, Amazing Video Game Player, TikTok creator and YouTube Channel with a Podcast called The Musican's Insider

Discover Kronis' new music and collaborations on Stamina Records. Explore his podcast, The Musician's Insider, for advice and insights. Watch his skateboarding videos and witness his virtual gaming conquests.

Aaron Kronis’ journey is marked by his passion for pushing boundaries and creating a sound that blends the raw energy of alt-rock with the rhythm and beats of EDM. Canadian fans have a unique opportunity to follow this journey closely. Explore the latest exclusive Canadian releases and join the community on Facebook for live event updates. To discover everything new from KRONIS, head to aaron kronis music, your direct gateway to all the latest tracks, merch, and updates. Canadian fans, stay connected and experience Aaron Kronis’ music in its purest form.


Discover the amazing collaborations Kronis has done with renowned artists and producers. From electrifying remixes to groundbreaking original tracks, Kronis pushes the boundaries of electronic music and creates unforgettable experiences.


Kronis, the flagship artist for Stamina Records, combines his passions for skateboarding and video games in his unique music. He also shares valuable insights and advice for fellow musicians through his podcast, The Musician's Insider